Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Agenda for 27 October 2015

1. Architectural Walk of School
                Vocabulary to look for:
                                Arch (or arch like things)
                                Post and lintel
What is the function of the space?
How do the details of the space contribute to its function?
What does the function of a space tell us about the values of a culture/society?
What do the details of the space tell us about the values of a culture/society?
How does the function of space change over time? Why does it change? How can it change?

While walking around take notes on specific details and specific ways details are incorporated to enhance or enforce the function of the space.

Write an essay, 1-2 pages, double-spaced, with one-inch margins answering the following prompt:
Define the function of our school, in terms of the community, the current political situation, student growth and development, or historical significance. Using specific visual and contextual evidence, explore the role of education in society as it is presented in the architectural and design choices of our relatively new school.

Hard copy must be turned in on Tuesday, 3 November and submitted to Turnitin.com by midnight on Tuesday, 3 November

Next class, Thursday, 29 October
                Greek and Roman architecture

Reminders and info
                Unit 2 exam will go on 2nd quarter

                Art of the Western World Questions will go on 1st quarter

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